Voice marking | Proper marker | yes | Verbal derivational morphology is fairly rich; the affix -tharri- is syntactically and semantically important as a marker of reflexives, passives, anti-passive and semi-transitive lexical derivations (Austin 2013: 160).
P oblique (2B): Added to a class 2B transitive root, -tharri- derives an intransitive stem which is syntactically an anti-passive. There are eight 2B verbs (Austin 2013: 82).
Pseudo-incorporation (2C): Added to a class 2C transitive verb, -tharri- derives an intranstive stem which can appear with an object complement. It indicates that the action is carried out on an unspecified object. There are five class 2C roots (Austin 2013: 82). |
Voice marking | Lookalike marker | no | |
Voice marking | Synthetic marker | yes | Verbal derivational morphology is fairly rich; the affix -tharri- is syntactically and semantically important as a marker of reflexives, passives, anti-passive and semi-transitive lexical derivations (Austin 2013: 160). |
Voice marking | Analytic marker | no | |
Flagging | S-argument flagging | yes/no | Nominative — codes intransitive subject function (S) for the group (a): non-singular common nouns and female personal names noun phrases. The realizations are: -ni added to female personal names, -the unmarked stem form is used for non-singular common nouns (Austin 2013: 56).
Absolutive — codes intransitive subject function (S) and transitive object function (P) for nominals (b: singular common nouns and male personal names). The realizations are: -nha added to male personal names (Austin 2013: 56):
(Austin 2013: 54-55)
Billy-nha wapa-yi nhingki-rda-ndru
Billy.nom go-pres here-vicin-ablat
‘Billy is going away from here’ |
Flagging | P-oblique flagging | yes | P locative oblique (class 2B verbs): The affix -tharri- is used in Diyari to mark a syntactic process which relates the following pair of sentences where the verb is of class 2B. The noun phrase of the transitive clause corresponds to the S NP of the derived intransitive clause while the P NP is replaced by an NP in the locative case (Austin 2013: 160).
P locative oblique (class 2B verbs): Added to a class 2B transitive root, -tharri- derives an intransitive stem which is syntactically an anti-passive (Austin 2013: 82). |
Flagging | P-oblique unflagging | no | |
Flagging | P-oblique flagging variation | no | |
Indexation | S-argument indexed | no | |
Indexation | S-argument indexation conditioned | n/a | |
P-individuation properties | P incorporated: Generic (non-specific) | yes | The object of these anti-passive verbs (@psuedo-incorporation) - is usually non-specific or generic (Austin 2013: 161).
Added to a class 2C transitive verb, -tharri- derives an intransitive stem which can appear with an object complement. It indicates that the action is carried out on an unspecified object (Austin 2013: 82).
A generic noun such an nganthi ‘meat’, puka ‘vegetable food’ and karna ‘Aboriginal person’ (Austin 2013: 101).
Diyari (Austin 2013: 161)
nhawu-wa wima wangka-tharri-rna ngama-yi
3sgnf.nom-dist song.nom sing-antip-ptcple sit-pres
'He’s sitting down singing away.'
Diyari (Austin 2013: 161)
ngandri puka wayi-tharri-rna ngama-yi
mother.nom vegetable.food.nom cook-antip-ptcple sit-pres
‘Mother is sitting down cooking food.’ |
P-individuation properties | P incorporated: Indefinite (non-specific) | yes | The object of these anti-passive verbs (@psuedo-incorporation) - is usually non-specific or generic (Austin 2013: 161).
Added to a class 2C transitive verb, -tharri- derives an intransitive stem which can appear with an object complement. It indicates that the action is carried out on an unspecified object (Austin 2013: 82). |
P-individuation properties | P incorporated: Referential | no | FYI: The object of these anti-passive verbs (@psuedo-incorporation) - is usually non-specific or generic (Austin 2013: 161).
FYI: Added to a class 2C transitive verb, -tharri- derives an intransitive stem which can appear with an object complement. It indicates that the action is carried out on an unspecified object (Austin 2013: 82). |
P-individuation properties | P oblique: Generic (non-specific) | no | |
P-individuation properties | P oblique: Indefinite (non-specific) | no | |
P-individuation properties | P oblique: Referential | yes | P oblique (Class 2B): Sentences (a) and (b) were translated in exactly the same way by consultants, and I was unable to find any semantic difference between them (Austin 2013: 160).
Diyari (Austin 2013: 160)
Ngathu yinanha darnka-rna wara-yi
1sg.erg 2sg.acc find-ptcple aux-pres
‘I found you’
nganhi darnka-tharri-rna wara-yi yingkangu
1sg.nom find-antip-ptcple aux-pres 2sgloc
‘I found you’ |
P-individuation properties | P eliminated: Generic (non-specific) | n/a | |
P-individuation properties | P eliminated: Indefinite (non-specific) | n/a | |
P-individuation properties | P eliminated: Referential | n/a | |
P-oblique affectedness | Less affected P-oblique | no | |
P-constraining properties | Animacy constraints on P-oblique demotion | no | |
P-constraining properties | Person constraints on P-oblique demotion | no | |
P-constraining properties | Number constraints on P-oblique demotion | no | |