Voice marking | Proper marker | yes | A derivative in suffix -à (Heath 2014: 281).
The most open-ended case is that of verbs that are basically transitive but that can omit an explicit direct object, e.g. ŋà: ‘eat’ and béy ‘know’. Many other verb stems take an overt unspecified-object derivational suffix -à in this context, but not all verbs can take this suffix (Heath 2014: 278). |
Voice marking | Lookalike marker | no | |
Voice marking | Synthetic marker | yes | An intransitivizing verbal suffix -à with L-toned stem used both for unspecified-object and for (medio-)passive (Heath 2014: 19).
Many transitive verbs, including a fairly large number of bisyllabics ending in a high vowel, have a derivative in suffix -à with word-level {L} tone overlay (Heath 2014: 281). |
Voice marking | Analytic marker | no | An intransitivizing verbal suffix -à with L-toned stem used both for unspecified-object and for (medio-)passive (Heath 2014: 19). |
Flagging | S-argument flagging | no | I distinguish the following grammatical relations not expressed by adpositions: subject, preverbal direct object (of ordinary transitives), postverbal direct object (of VO verb) (...). These categories can be determined by constituent order and the nature of the predicators in the clause (Heath 2014: 255). |
Flagging | P-oblique flagging | n/a | |
Flagging | P-oblique unflagging | n/a | |
Flagging | P-oblique flagging variation | n/a | |
Indexation | S-argument indexed | no | No pronominal subject agreement in the verb (except imperatives) (Heath 2014: 18). |
Indexation | S-argument indexation conditioned | n/a | |
P-individuation properties | P incorporated: Generic (non-specific) | n/a | |
P-individuation properties | P incorporated: Indefinite (non-specific) | n/a | |
P-individuation properties | P incorporated: Referential | n/a | |
P-individuation properties | P oblique: Generic (non-specific) | n/a | |
P-individuation properties | P oblique: Indefinite (non-specific) | n/a | |
P-individuation properties | P oblique: Referential | n/a | |
P-individuation properties | P eliminated: Generic (non-specific) | yes | Unspecified-object derivatives focus on the activity itself, either because the theme is obvious (e.g. part of a daily routine) or because the theme is indeterminate or multiple: ‘I am sweeping’, ‘the rain hit (=it rained)’, ‘I plan to build (sc. a home) in Hombori’ (Heath 2014: 282).
Humburi Senni (Heath 2014: 348)
góndí-ɲòŋ [gá=ẁ námà] [gá sù wíy-à]
snake-pl [rel=impf bite] [rel impf.neg kill-unspecO]
‘snakes that bite but (that) do not kill’ |
P-individuation properties | P eliminated: Indefinite (non-specific) | yes | Unspecified-object derivatives focus on the activity itself, either because the theme is obvious (e.g. part of a daily routine) or because the theme is indeterminate or multiple: ‘I am sweeping’, ‘the rain hit (=it rained)’, ‘I plan to build (sc. a home) in Hombori’ (Heath 2014: 282). |
P-individuation properties | P eliminated: Referential | no | |
P-oblique affectedness | Less affected P-oblique | n/a | |
P-constraining properties | Animacy constraints on P-oblique demotion | n/a | |
P-constraining properties | Person constraints on P-oblique demotion | n/a | |
P-constraining properties | Number constraints on P-oblique demotion | n/a | |